UK government admitted in March 2023 that young women who received the A-Z or J & J COVID vaccines were at high risk of death during the next 3 months
Females aged 12-29 who got an adenovirus vectored COVID vaccine in the UK were 3.5 times more likely to die in the next 3 months than otherwise
There was evidence of an increase in cardiac death in young women after a first dose of non-mRNA vaccines, with the risk being *3.5 times higher* in the 12 weeks following vaccination, compared with the longer-term risk.
The subgroup who received non-mRNA vaccines was more likely to be clinically vulnerable and may be at greater risk of adverse events following vaccination than the general population. [‘Likely’ means they are throwing this idea out to try and find a non-vaccine cause when everyone knows all the COVID vaccines caused clots.—Nass]
According to the statistical model, 11 out of the 15 cardiac deaths in young women that occurred within 12 weeks of a first dose of a non-mRNA vaccine were likely to be linked to the vaccine; this corresponds to 6 cardiac-related deaths per 100,000 females vaccinated with at least a first dose of a non-mRNA vaccine.
[But 1 in 17,000 women dying from the shot is a guess from a “statistical model” and it certainly could be higher… but even so, this is 60 deaths per million vaccine recipients, which is a huge number, especially in YOUNG women.
This report claims there was no increase in males. But my guess is that they underpowered their study, and so the increase had to be quite large in order to be statistically significant. 3.5 times was too large an increase to ignore, especially in an age group that sees almost no deaths.
When did the UK find this out, and when did they stop giving these shots? Note that FDA quietly took the J and J shot off the market a few months back.