Know anyone with cancer? Dr. Paul Marik has done an extensive search of the literature and compiled metabolic treatments that may be useful adjuncts for cancer.
Dr. Marik is one of the most brilliant people I know
Dr. Marik is one of the most brilliant people I know
The big guns, the Health Editor, approached me this afternoon. Happy to learn the presentation is getting attention.
The big guns, the Health Editor, approached me this afternoon. Happy to learn the presentation is getting attention.
This week's Door to Freedom newsletter
This week’s Door to Freedom newsletter
But they still don't tell you the whole story...
But they still don’t tell you the whole story…
There is a lot to do.
There is a lot to do.
They say TRUTH is the first casualty in war. Well, this is a war over truth and the right to think
They say TRUTH is the first casualty in war. Well, this is a war over truth and the right to think