The CDC ‘President’s Budget’: Can anyone tell me what the rightmost column means?

And get a load of footnote #11: $20 Billion for pandemic preparedness ($60/yr for every man, woman and child in the US--funding new pandemic pathogens?)

Below is page 4. It appears the CDC got $5 billion more last year than the year before, while now CDC is crying poor and cutting state aid for vaccinating kids and for state data systems, and for treating STDs. Is the goal to worsen the collection of useful public health statistics by the states? To encourage more childhood disease outbreaks as a way to push more vaccines mandates?

Tell me if I am reading this budget wrong. Surely CDC cares about its core mission and can fund a billion for data collection, vaccines and STDs together when its budget increased by $5 billion last year?

And here are the first 3 pages. Immunizations got a 37% increase last year. The line item “Immunization program” got a 47% increase for FY 2023.

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