The hearing goes on.
Rep. Chip Roy was allowed to attend the hearing.
Rep. Sanchez then again misrepresented Kennedy’s statements. Talked about anti-Asian hate after the onset of COVID, felt the use of Trump’s moniker Kung-Flu was horrendously racist. I suggest these people rename the Spanish flu, rename Ebola (named after a river in Congo), rename Zika, rename Cong-Crimean hemorrhagic fever, rename Venezuelan equine encephalitis, etc.
Wiley and Sanchez go back and forth about government censorship, then there is a shouting match with Plaskett jumping in, as usual.
Rep. Stefanik then brings the session back to the Hunter Biden laptop: prostitution, corruption, drugs and much more is in it. 61% of Dems would have changed their votes according to polling had they been made aware of the laptop story and its details. This was election interference.
She asks if Kennedy agrees. He says if the public is lied to it interferes with public health as well as election integrity, which cost American lives, according to last week’s WSJ. Kennedy says he does not know the details of the laptop censorship and polling but it could have changed the vote.
Attorney Sauer from Louisiana, who is here to discuss the Doughty case, discussed how the FBI told social media companies that the Biden laptop story was going to be coming from the Russians for many months, preparing the way for the immediate censorship.
Debby Wasserman-Schultz asks if he has stopped beating his wife (rhetorically over and over) and she tries to stop Kennedy from defending himself. Again the D’s try to make his very reasonable discussion of how the ACE-2 and TMPR receptors on COVID may have allowed entry of the virus more or less easily in people with certain genetic profiles.
I am impressed with the facility these lawyers have at using lies and twisting the facts to make political points. Masters at doubletalk.
Thanks for Rep. Massie who reads from the scientific literature about how, in fact, differences in genetic makeup do affect the ease of infection with COVID viruses.
Rep. Stewart and Ms. Wiley then go at it. He wants her to say the USG should not suppress speech. She says it is illegal for the USG to pass laws that suppress free speech—trying to blame such on Congress! He points out this is not about laws. The USG should not restrict views the american people will be exposed to—agree? She says the govt should not violate the Constitution. He says the question is so simple a 7th grader would understand it. Wiley is unable to answer the question.
He says, since you are unaware of suppression of free speech, do you think it was okay for the FBI to encourage private companies to censor? She wants examples, so he gives her the laptop. Does it bother her that 51 former intelligence officials said it was Russian disinformation without any evidence? She is troubled by the government censoring research or research facilities. (Hello? What is she getting at?)
D. Rep. Gerry Connolly says that tools are being used in the House to deflect, distort, dissemble, to infringe on his right of free speech. It is rambling and unfocused. Yadad yada January 6. Yadda yada hate speech. Vaccination denial would have cost millions of more lives in America. We should celebrate the public health measures that saved lives, yet we are making political points. Kennedy is here for cynical reasons to embarrass the current president. (Discussing the Biden laptop is apparently “cynical.”)
Rep. Johnson from Louisiana points out that the Biden crime family is now a fact and the Dems are here to cover up the first family’s crimes. Disfavored viewpoints were censored by the federal government. The American people are not aware of this case because the mainstream media have been censoring it also. He discusses the Doughty case and asks Mr. Sauer to discuss the judge’s ruling. Sauer repeats what he said earlier, noting that 20,000 pages of the government’s documents revealed the censorship. He says the injunction was NOT vacated, but has been misrepresented. It was stayed pending an emergency hearing in August. Millions of Americans have been silenced. Opposition to covid masks and vaccines, the lab leak theory, the laptop, opposition to government officials were among 4 subjects that were censored.
Plaskett is back. Kennedy actually has a huge megaphone, she claims. Articles about her used the race card to keep us quiet and in our place, she claims. Well I (Nass) reported on her several weeks ago for being an associate of Jeffrey Epstein, and it had nothing to do with her race but it was rather disgusting to me because of her gender.
She says the Repubs will interfere with our elections and have in several prior elections. They benefit when Russia interferes. She claims that someone named Jason Boles running a Kennedy SuperPAC also ran PACs for right wing Republicans. Kennedy says he has never heard of Mr. Boles or the SuperPAC and this is a fabrication. Wiley is asked if she wants to correct her testimony about the decision being vacated as she and Rep Sanchez claimed earlier. She does want to correct her testimony and admits the ruling was stayed, not vacated.
Since Sanchez and Wiley are lawyers, I doubt this mistake was inadvertent—instead it was intended to misrepresent what the appeals court actually did in the case.
Rep. Steube reads from the Doughty opinion and asks Sauer to elaborate. Coercion, threats, encouragement and joint decision-making were all found by the judge to have occurred and are not allowed. Public and private threats by the government were issued.
Doughty opinion is entered into the record, as well as the stay, which does NOT address the merits of the case. Plaskett wants an article about the superPAC entered in the record. BTW the poll that said (now) 80% of American felt the lapstop story was significant enough that it would have affected their vote for president—this was entered into the record also.
Garcia repeats the CDC fantasy that the unvaxxed are 17 times as likely to died as the fully vaxxed and boosted. I hope some public health officials go to jail for spreading this lie. She claims Kennedy says vaccines introduce microchips!—a gross lie, again. This is a sorry demonstration of cynicism in the extreme.
Wiley and Garcia go back and forth: the social media platforms have the right to censor. Are voting laws being violated? What about death threats? Garcia says she got a death threat after the last hearing. Maybe she would be safer if she told the truth?
Witness Ms. Morris wrote the NY Post story about the Biden laptop and her story was well documented but totally suppressed. The media research center said 45% of Biden voters were unaware of the story. I can say that many of my friends claim the story is a total lie, Russian disinformation even today. The 51 top intel leaders are whom the country depends on to tell us the truth, and it can’t be measured how much damage the suppression of this story has done.
Rep Cammack points out that Plaskett took campaign donations from Jeffrey Epstein and points out that people who live in glass house….
She then points out that the Ukraine secret service (SBU) was sending censorship requests to the FBI—and the FBI did not even investigate the posts—but passed them on to social media companies to carry out censorship demanded by the Ukraine government!
She points out that the R witnesses are also threatened and their safety is at risk.
Kennedy points out that a govt allowed to censor has no brakes on what it may do.
Plaskett wants entered a WaPo article on the Doughty case. Goldman then shows a very edited statement of Kennedy’s that changed its meaning. (I have seen the whole clip earlier.) The R’s should enter the entire clip for the record. Goldman then says Kennedy’s Hank Aaron tweet was never taken down, though it initiated his banning from instagram. Then he asked if Ms. Morris had the laptop or a hard drive—it was a hard drive, which was examined by NY Post tech people but did not undergo a full forensic analysis.
Jim Jordan says that the R members of the Judicial Committee were censored. He asks Wiley if she worked for the ACLU—yes—and they defended people whose view they vehemently disagreed with, like Nazis.
Rob Flaherty at the White House asked twitter how much censorship are you doing and how quickly? Jen Psaki had said they were in constant contact with social media and the WH asked for a robust enforcement strategy. And their primary target was RFK Jr. If you can’t have debate, the alternative is scary. And that is exactly where we are headed.
Kennedy says that the framers felt democracy was inefficient but our capacity for the free flow of information would give us an advantage over totalitarian governments. By 1865 5 nations had imitated us. Now it’s 190 nations. We are supposed to be the cornerstone of free speech.
Massey says natural immunity was not only denied, but censored! Facbook demoted posts that said natural immunity was superior to vaccine-induced immunity. Scott Gottlieb wrote to a twitter executive to take action about natural immunity—a former FDA director and Pfizer board member—the day Massey himself was censored and shadow-banned for tweeting about it. Kennedy responds that the censorship was applied to any views that departed from government orthodoxy. With a high vax rate, the US had 4x the average death rate from COVID, and US blacks had an even higher rate. We all needed information, should have been sharing the most successful treatments. “Trust the experts” is not science. He wants to reclaim his party’s connection to core issues like free speech.
Plaskett says Kennedy claims to be censored, but CHD can say what it wants on the website GAB. Can Wiley describe GAB? Wiley indicates GAB is a christian but antisemitic platform! And that seems to be a nutshell of what the Dems have done today.
Kennedy asks to speak and Plaskett says no, and Jordan says he didn’t know she was the chair. He also said he had not adjourned. Kennedy states he was just informed that the SuperPAC mentioned has a linkage to an entity he is linked to, but he was unaware of it and has not endorsed it. The hearing was adjourned.