The new anthrax vaccine Cyfendus: What was the placebo control? The old anthrax vaccine. You can’t make this stuff up. They call it a safety trial. Is this a label or a cartoon?

Now we have the label and the side effects are horrendous

Here is all you need to know about this vaccine.

  1. It doesn’t work. You can’t be sprayed with anthrax and then get vaccinated and then patiently wait a month to develop immunity. You’d be dead by then. PLUS, if you lived, you would of course show immunity by a month because you were just exposed to anthrax!

  2. The FDA admits it does not work because you are required to take antibiotics with it—and it is the antibiotics that actually kill anthrax after an acute exposure.

  3. The side effects are awful. 64% had limited use of their arm after the shot. 84% had a systemic reaction. 8% of subjects refused the second shot.

  4. This shot is the old anthrax shot with a novel adjuvant added—so it cannot possibly be safer than the bad old vaccine.

  5. The old vaccine caused birth defects: “In the observational study there were more birth defects in infants born to individuals vaccinated with BioThrax in the first trimester compared to individuals vaccinated post pregnancy or individuals never vaccinated with BioThrax. Data from the BioThrax pregnancy exposure registry do not establish the presence or absence of vaccine-associated risks in pregnancy (see Human Data).”

  6. Cyfendus: “Of the 11 pregnancies (one twin pregnancy), 1 (9.1%) resulted in miscarriage and there were 2 infants (18.2 %) born with major birth defects.”

  7. “CYFENDUS contains 100 mcg/mL total adsorbed cell-free filtrate, 1.3 mg/mL aluminum adjuvant, 0.5 mg/mL CPG 7909 [DNA] adjuvant, and 0.85% sodium chloride, with 25 mcg/mL benzethonium chloride and 100 mcg/mL formaldehyde added as preservatives.”

  8. “Logistic regression analysis demonstrated that a 70% probability of survival [8 wks after full dose] was associated with a TNA NF50 (50% neutralization factor) level of 0.56 in rabbits and 0.29 in NHPs.”—does not sound promising.

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