Another one: Oregon County GOP Passed ‘Ban the Jab’ Resolution/ Joe Sansone’s substack
Clackamas County Republican Party passed ‘Ban the Jab’ resolution
Jul 24, 2023
Belated shout out to attorney Stephen Joncus and the patriots at the Clackamas County Republican Party in Oregon. They passed the ‘Ban the Jab’ resolution on May 20th 2023. It is likely that these resolutions are being passed at the county party level in multiple states and we are just not aware of it.
To date, in addition to the Clackamas County Republican Party, we are aware of eight Florida Republican County parties that have passed the resolution, as well as the Idaho Republican Party. Most recently the Brevard County GOP was in the news for passing the ‘Ban the Jab’ resolution.
The resolution declares C19 and mRNA injections biological weapons and calls for immediate confiscation and forensic analysis of the contents of the vials.