Bank manager makes non-apology to Nigel Farage — and fails to apologize for lying to the BBC that Farage was overdrawn in 2 accounts

But Dame Alison Rose is good at misdirecting, deflecting, delaying and blaming the law for her overreach.

What a dame. Cancels Nigel Farage’s bank accounts and then lies about the reason to the media, claiming he had negative balances. Defamation on top of her other crimes.

After that, she sends a non-apology apology to Nigel, offering to re-bank him. Here are 4 paragraphs from it:

“… I fully understand yours and the public’s concern that the processes for bank account closure are not sufficiently transparent. Customers have a right to expect their bank to make consistent decisions against publicly available criteria and those decisions should be communicated clearly and openly with them, within the constraints imposed by the law.

To achieve this, sector–wide change is required, but your experience, highlighted in recent days, has shown we need to also put our own processes under scrutiny too. As a result I am commissioning a full review of the Coutts processes for how these decisions are made and communicated, to ensure we provide a better, clearer and more consistent experience for customers in future.

The review will be reporting to me as NatWest Group CEO.

I welcome the FCA’s reviews of regulatory rules associated with Politically Exposed Persons, and we will implement the recommendations of our review alongside any changes that they or the Government makes to the overall regulatory framework…”

Her ‘non-apology’ is almost certainly lying again, and I dissect only 4 paragraphs of it:

  • claiming that ‘sector-wide change is required’ to allow people to bank as they always have? Pretty please Dame Alison, what sectoral changes have occured that you might be hiding from us that require you to ‘debank’ customers? Or are you making this up too?

  • claiming customers have a right to expect consistency and transparency around these decisions—then she provides him neither in the letter

  • she suggests maybe the law prevents transparency and consistency. Pray tell what law might that be?

  • she is commissioning a full review—the usual delaying deflecting tactic. We know she made the decision—it would not have been done without the CEO’s approval.

  • and the review will go to her, not to the public. Super. The circle-jerk.

  • And what are Politically Exposed Persons, Dame Alison, and what special rules apply to them? Help us out here.

Not only did Joe Mercola have his busines acount, his family’s accounts, and his employees’ accounts suddenly cancelled by Chase Bank, but Dr.Syed Haider had his accounts closed and his vacation cancelled (in the middle) when his credit card stopped working.

Welcome to the opening volley in the Social Credit Score onslaught. Do NOT get an iris scan because you were promised free cryptocurrency to do so, as many have just done. No digital IDs, no digital driver’s licenses, no CBDCs. Unless you want your life shut off at will. Time to fight back.

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