Feds want to make it easier to identify independent doctors–they want to obtain the National Practitioner Data Bank
I have a black mark in it despite lack of a completed hearing--the demand for a psych evaluation and temp suspension gave me the black mark
Do the feds want to be ready to censor or even round up doctors who may oppose their next round of heavy-handed “public health” measures?
Need and Proposed Use of the Information: The NPDB acts primarily
as a flagging system; its principal purpose is to facilitate
comprehensive review of practitioners' professional credentials and
background. Information is collected from, and disseminated to,
eligible entities (entities that are entitled to query and/or report to
the NPDB as authorized in Title 45 CFR part 60 of the Code of Federal
Regulations) on the following: (1) medical malpractice payments, (2)
licensure actions taken by Boards of Medical Examiners, (3) state
licensure and certification actions, (4) federal licensure and
certification actions, (5) negative actions or findings taken by peer
review organizations or private accreditation entities, (6) adverse
actions taken against clinical privileges, (7) federal or state
criminal convictions related to the delivery of a health care item or
service, (8) civil judgments related to the delivery of a health care
item or service, (9) exclusions from participation in federal or state
health care programs, and (10) other adjudicated actions or decisions.
It is intended for NPDB information to be considered with other
relevant information in evaluating credentials of health care
practitioners, providers, and suppliers.
Likely Respondents: Eligible entities or individuals that are
entitled to query and/or report to the NPDB as authorized in
regulations found at 45 CFR part 60.