2018 Wuhan study of new SARS coronaviruses binding to the human ACE-2
Another hat tip to Daoyu, who found this through an online search
Another hat tip to Daoyu, who found this through an online search
Naomi Wolf has some new emails that show they were covering this up in May 2021. I too showed that myocarditis was known then, along with some others. Reposting 3 stacks I wrote during the past year.
Naomi Wolf has some new emails that show they were covering this up in May 2021. I too showed that myocarditis was known then, along with some others. Reposting 3 stacks I wrote during the past year.
The WHO wishes to be the purveyor of biological warfare agents, to control information, and enforce untested vaccinations on the world. Please share this information.
The WHO wishes to be the purveyor of biological warfare agents, to control information, and enforce untested vaccinations on the world. Please share this information.
This from a review of *published* literature and omits thousands of unpublished reports collected in the US alone, but is still valuable at demonstrating the seriousness of lab leaks
This from a review of *published* literature and omits thousands of unpublished reports collected in the US alone, but is still valuable at demonstrating the seriousness of lab leaks
All these laws need to be revoked or (at the WHO) stopped
All these laws need to be revoked or (at the WHO) stopped