The WHO message is reverberating. The AP is running a hit piece on me by a reporter who has not and did not intend to read the WHO documents.

The many overlapping tweets of me at the European Parliament in May have gotten over 5 million views, leading the AP hitwoman to misquote me twice in her first sentence when we spoke just now.

She had her story and she sounded like she was sticking to it, despite my attempt to school her on the proposed Treaty and Amendments. She denied they were both binding. Hello? WHO told her so, it seems. Maybe she ought to read them? Feel free to tell her if she gets the story right. Or wrong.

This is one of the tweets that has them upset. Not only has it been translated into several languages, but Gen Z found it interesting too.

I told her to look at the slides, which have sources for what I was saying. Let’s see if she does that.

I guess if she read the proposed treaty and Amendments, she might wind up agreeing with me… and that would be the beginning of the end of her life as a comfortable journalistic scribe. No wonder she wants to write an article about me being wrong about these documents, without actually reading them. Is that what they teach at journalism school now? Intuit what you are writing about?

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