Anne Can’t Stand It–wonderful cartoonist
We all need to laugh and share these
We all need to laugh and share these
Very thought-provoking article that rings true to me. Full text. From Feb. 23
Very thought-provoking article that rings true to me. Full text. From Feb. 23
The Jeffrey Sachs/WHO posts on Sept. 21 and September 22 had over 64,000 viewers on Substack's statistics page below. Yet today Substack says there were only about 6,000 total views. What happened?
The Jeffrey Sachs/WHO posts on Sept. 21 and September 22 had over 64,000 viewers on Substack’s statistics page below. Yet today Substack says there were only about 6,000 total views. What happened?
Only the first few seconds are in Dutch. This was a really good conversation.
Only the first few seconds are in Dutch. This was a really good conversation.
and tell you about the Big Club...
and tell you about the Big Club…
I need a long-form interview or a venue to present all this material
I need a long-form interview or a venue to present all this material
This is something we can start working on locally: getting more sponsors, moving it forward.
This is something we can start working on locally: getting more sponsors, moving it forward.