Webinar on the UN and its pandemic preparedness “soft coup” to hard tyranny. Sept. 20 at 4:30-6:00 pm
Be there or be square
Tomorrow, the UN General Assembly (UNGA) will be subjected to the UN’s pandemic preparedness plan, which David Bell eloquently wrote about several days ago. I summarized their plan (below). The UNGA will use a bogus “silence procedure” to claim it passed by acclamation.
Reggie Littlejohn and the Sovereignty Coalition are sponsoring a webinar on this tomorrow which I hope you can attend. David Bell, Alex Newman, I and several others will present. See below.
Here is my summary of the UN document:
UN “Final Text for Silence Procedure”
Political declaration of the UNGA on PPPR
•Global solidarity, multilateralism, “coordination and governance at the highest political levels” (OP1)
•”Promote the fair, equitable and timely sharing of benefits arising from the use of pathogens [and] sequences with pandemic potential…” (OP14)
•Reaffirm the responsibility of governments to determine their own paths towards PPPR (OP30)
•Whole of government and “health-in-all-policies” approach (OP31)
•Digital transformation of health systems; big data (OP32)
•Monitoring and accountability (OP33)
•Counter Misinfo/disinfo (OP35)
•Necessity of One Health (OP40)
•More immunizations (OP42)
•Private sector, philanthropic foundations will have a role
•Alternative financing mechanisms, $30 Billion/year for PPP
•Access to education during pandemics—online?