Today’s Good Morning CHD discussed my case and the UN’s effort on pandemic planning that is happening today at the General Assembly

11 countries wrote a damning letter saying they are not happy with the proceedings.–feathered-as-hearings-conclude–more/

Guilty of Saving Lives: Dr. Meryl Nass ‘Tarred + Feathered’ as Hearings Conclude + More

James Rogusky posted the letter. And the Sovereignty Coalition did too. CHD is livestreaming the UN proceedings today:

James Roguski
Broken Silence
I have reported numerous times regarding the “Silence Procedure.” Under this procedure, a draft resolution is circulated to Member States with a timeline to respond. If a country supports a resolution, it does nothing. If it opposes a resolution, it sends an email breaking silence. Just one such action stops the adoption of the resolution and could trigg…
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Eleven Nations Step into the Breech to Object to the UN/WHO’s Political Declaration
TAKE ACTION HERE: Take two minutes to send an email to your state and federal elected representatives, both administrative and legislative branches, to demand that the United States defund and exit the UN/WHO immediately!Thanks for reading Sovereignty! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work…
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