My case (and then I promise to stop) was challenging for the Board members

But that does not justify their unethical conduct, which also violated their sole mission, to protect the public.

If I was right, then they were treating patients in ways that killed some. That is a hard nut to swallow.

If I was right, then everything they have been taught was a lie. That is a harder, bigger nut to swallow.

If I was right, then they may have ticking time bombs inside their bodies, and they vaccinated their own children with a possibly deadly poison. How to emotionally handle that one?


Maybe the way they handled it as to become criminals themselves? Or maybe they really believed in what they did yesterday. Or maybe they have so little self-esteem they are incapable of doing more than going along. They always vote unanimously, which is notable.

However, there was clear collusion between the Board members and the assistant attorney generals to produce a show trial conclusion that avoided all the evidence. So who needs the training in ethics?

I need to provide the “Closing Arguments” that were produced by my attorneys and the Board attorneys, which were submitted by noon last Friday. The hearing officer did not allow oral discussion of what was in these documents. Did the board members read them?

The reason why there was no rebuttal allowed was clearly to avoid discussing evidence yesterday that would have openly challenged the preordained process and conclusions.

Voila: the two documents, revealing that the AAGs’ arguments were identical to the board members’. While my attorney’s arguments proved that all the charges they found me guilty of were spurious—they had been disproved during testimony.

Here they are:

Meryl Nass Closing Argument

Board Staff Closing Argument

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