The Congressional breakfast formal invitation to share with your members/Senators–I had the old one by mistake, here is the accurate one

And a list of the evil globalist organizations leading us off the cliff, and a new link for my talk on the globalist pandemic preparedness agenda

The final version of the invitation to the Congressional breakfast (just for members of Congress and their staff and media). Please encourage them to attend or send a staffer. Please encourage media to contact dede if they want an invitation. Thanks a million!

Another link for my talk on how the G20, World Bank, WHO, UN, EU and US are all conniving together, using the same plans, same language to bring in global governance using the Trojan horses of climate change and pandemic preparedness.

And these are the evil perpetrators of the One World agenda I spoke about at the rumble link above, using the same twisted concepts, same language, same entities to pull it off:

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