New World Dis-Order. This chart has turned out to be very popular. Happy for others to work on it.
I added more topics but did not organize it into categories. 40 items now
I added more topics but did not organize it into categories. 40 items now
The subject can be easily boiled down to its essence, for discussion
The subject can be easily boiled down to its essence, for discussion
They even have a substack for sharing information. Why not seek to monetize biological warfare agents? It's no more bizarre than monetizing carbon credits. Although it is more dangerous.
They even have a substack for sharing information. Why not seek to monetize biological warfare agents? It’s no more bizarre than monetizing carbon credits. Although it is more dangerous.
US Submitting to a Maoist-Controlled WHO?/ Act for America
US Submitting to a Maoist-Controlled WHO?/ Act for America
And it is already being used in Japan and maybe soon in the US. It combines the unknown duration of effect of mRNA with the mutation-producing effects of nuclear DNA.
And it is already being used in Japan and maybe soon in the US. It combines the unknown duration of effect of mRNA with the mutation-producing effects of nuclear DNA.
CDC cowrote this and misrepresented the conclusions. Prior infection is unquestionably superior to vaccination at preventing both mild and severe disease
CDC cowrote this and misrepresented the conclusions. Prior infection is unquestionably superior to vaccination at preventing both mild and severe disease
Repeating the vaccine equity mantra of course
Repeating the vaccine equity mantra of course