Europe’s FDA (the EMA) tells 8 European Parliament members to pound sand: we don’t need no stinkin’ data to continue the mRNA vaccine authorizations

As their evidence evaporates, their brazenness grows

So what if they are gene therapies?

So what if there were no clinical trials for the XBBB version of the vaccines?

So what if they don’t prevent infection of transmission?

We say the benefits outweigh the risks, and we own the evidence that proves it.

I am unfamiliar with EMA regulations so I cannot comment on whether the authorizations for Pfizer and Moderna’s so-called vaccines meet the legal requirements to be used.

Oddly, the one thing redacted in this long response is the EMA Director’s signature: the Irishwoman and pharma shill Emer Cooke. Is she planning to say she didn’t sign when Nuremberg 2 finally comes true? A better version has her signature.

Here is the letter:

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