The perfect XMas gift for the anti-vaxxer in your life
From Robert Blumen. If it gives me a belly laugh, it winds up on substack
From Robert Blumen. If it gives me a belly laugh, it winds up on substack
Original URL: Plans to Approve Omicron-Targeting Booster Vaccines Remember the movie, “The Gods Must Be Crazy.” Well, the Biden administration and its FDA and CDC regulators must feel like Gods to do this, and they must be crazy. And so are you, if you go along with this plan. Three days ago, Pfizer asked…
It is critical to beat this, or we will be toast. Possibly behind a paywall, so I'm providing the full article, for which Shellenberger also made a video.
It is critical to beat this, or we will be toast. Possibly behind a paywall, so I’m providing the full article, for which Shellenberger also made a video.
Original URL: 13, 2023 BREAKING: CHD Defeats NY State Healthcare Workers COVID Mandate Press Release For Immediate Release In a groundbreaking decision filed today, NY State (NYS) Supreme Court Judge Gerard Neri held that the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for healthcare workers is now “null, void, and of no effect.” The court held that the…
Original URL: Shah is my bet to be the next CDC Director. He was just moved into the Deputy Director role a few months ago, presumably to try him out. Rochelle fired her Principal Deputy Director Anne Schuchat soon after arriving at CDC. I suspected Anne may have been competing for the Director job,…
Actually, you only need to declare a public health emergency to use the IHR. The Pandemic Treaty will be in force 24/7.
Actually, you only need to declare a public health emergency to use the IHR. The Pandemic Treaty will be in force 24/7.
The dominos start falling
The dominos start falling