How the cabal’s false narratives are used to gain the cabal’s true objectives

One Health issues a booklet and finally, kinda, sorta tells us what One Health is about. I do the decoding.

“A guide to implementing

the One Health Joint Plan of

Action at national level”

See page 30:

  1. “Provide adequate guidance and tools for the effective

implementation of One Health approaches to promote the health

of humans, animals, plants and ecosystems and to prevent

and manage risks at the human–animal–plant–environment


This drills into the reader’s brain the idea that the human-animal or human-environment interface is a dangerous place to be, that the risks must be acknowledged, and major efforts made to manage them. Note the absence of evidence supporting the assertion that major risk exist when humans are exposed to animals and nature.

  1. Reduce the risk and minimize local and global impacts of

zoonotic epidemics and pandemics by understanding the linkages

and drivers of emergence and spillover, adopting upstream

prevention and strengthening One Health surveillance, early

warning and response systems.

The concept that pandemics are caused by “spillover” from animals is asserted, as is the very shaky idea that one can prevent and identify pandemics early using “surveillance” “warning and response systems”—which tellingly are never defined in any detail since no methods have ever worked.

  1. Reduce the burden of endemic zoonotic, neglected tropical and

vector-borne diseases by supporting countries in implementing

community-centric, risk-based solutions, strengthening policy

and legal frameworks from the local to the global level and across

sectors, and increasing political commitment and investment.

Blather about helping developing nations without saying anything specific, except that they need to strengthen “policy and legal frameworks”—such as implementing legislation for authorization of unlicensed, liability-free drugs and vaccines? They need more political commitment—commitment to what, exactly, is ominously left unsaid. And naturally more investment (and commissions) are needed.

  1. Promote awareness, policy changes and action coordination

among stakeholders to ensure that humans, animals and

ecosystems achieve health and remain healthy in their

interactions with and along the food supply chain.

The ominous missing information about the policy changes and action desired should make you very nervous. Now the “food supply chain” is invoked, turning food and the methods by which it travels from farm to kitchen fair game for the purveyors of One Health.

  1. Take joint action to preserve antimicrobial efficacy and ensure

sustainable and equitable access to antimicrobials for responsible

and prudent use in human, animal and plant health.

It sounds like there is a plan to withhold antibiotics from us in the name of preserving their efficacy. Pharmacists were made to monitor azithromycin use as well as hydroxychloroquine, chloroquine and mefloquine use during the COVID time. Bacterial pneumonias were untreated until the victim’s lips turned blue. Expect more of this.

  1. Protect and restore biodiversity, prevent the degradation of

ecosystems and the wider environment to jointly support the

health of people, animals, plants and ecosystems, underpinning

sustainable development.

This will be the justification to move people off the land in areas where species are said to be threatened. It may also lead to enforced changes in land use, based on my earlier readings of Daszak, Fauci and the Lancet One Health commission. And of course we must give up our simple pleasures in the name of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Who voted for them, and why are we being frog-marched into a SDG future, even though we don’t know where it is leading?


This graphic, with the person on the left taken from the movie “They Live,” where you could only detect the aliens when you looked at the world through sunglasses, is an interesting take on those Sustainable Development Goals… that have been shoved down our throats without us ever being asked to acquiesce. Maybe he sees what they really are?

The SDGs are hard to read—below is a better UN graphic. The cabal that delivered COVID and its pandemic response plan to us wants to solve the rest of the world’s problems for us, too. Will YOU let them?

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