In the last 3 weeks, an amazing $17,000 has arrived in my Stripe XMas stocking for *Door to Freedom, Inc.* and several thousand more arrived as checks
I can't begin to tell you how grateful I am
As a result, our organization is now able to hire our networker full time, starting on January 1. I believe that our work has been invaluable, creating dozens of documents (many in up to ten languages) to help everyone from middleschoolers to professors and lawmakers become aware of the attempted WHO coup.
At Monday’s discussion of the WHO’s proposed Treaty and Amendments in the UK Parliament, Sir Christopher Chope lambasted the UK government, saying it was being “sidelined” by Slovakia, Estonia and New Zealand—whose governments refused to give up sovereignty to the WHO, while the UK government was silent.
I’m not sure that would have happened if we had not posted the Slovakian PM’s speech, the New Zealand leaders’ statement, and the letter from Estonian parliamentarians on our Door to Freedom site, in order to share what is happening world-wide, as our leaders start waking up to the WHO’s attempt to grab every nation’s sovereignty, using One Health and pandemics as their hook.
Your donations have paid for our webmaster, our web security, our networker. The rest of us are volunteers, and our paid employees do some volunteering as well.
We have come so far in six months because I had a dream that we could do this, and that the battle simply needed one organization to be totally focused on the preservation of freedom and sovereignty through a massive effort at education and outreach.
Yesterday I met on Zoom with 25 doctors, lawyers and judges in Italy. More similar meetings are planned. And we are working with the US Sovereignty Coalition to encourage additional hearings to be held in the US Congress on the WHO—and next time there will be no whitewash, nor will the witnesses be allowed to lie to Congress under oath, as they did on December 13, denying that sovereignty is under attack by the WHO. We are only getting started with our outreach!
Our Board has been investigating payment platforms for donations. It is hard to decide what to use. Give-Send-Go was hacked. PayPal has cancelled the accounts of other freedom-oriented groups. I will give you more info as soon as we can sort this out! But remember, we are a 501c3 now and donors will receive confirmation that your generous and timely donations are tax-deductible. I so appreciate everything we do together to make our world a much better place.
Have a joyous long Christmas weekend. Much love.