Door to Freedom has an electronic donation option now. Sorry this took so long.
We received $30,000 in donations and renewed + new Substack subscriptions over the past month--entering the new year in good shape! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!
We have amazing plans over the next five months. I managed to read the WHO Constitution, the current (unamended) International Health Regulations and reread the 2023 NDAA’s International Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response Act during the holiday.
There are many nuggets in these documents that support our position on the WHO—that it is basically illegal for the WHO to go after these powers based on its own WHO-Constitution-it lacks the required authorities; that it does not have the authority to negotiate with the EU; and that the US states are probably the entity with authority over health in the US. For example, in the current IHR the US government made a reservation asserting state power:
1. APPENDIX 2. State v federal jurisdiction
pages 60-61
“The Government of the United States of America reserves the right to assume obligations under theseRegulations in a manner consistent with its fundamental principles of federalism. With respect to obligations concerning the development, strengthening, and maintenance of the core capacity requirements set forth in Annex 1, these Regulations shall be implemented by the Federal Government or the state governments, as appropriate and in accordance with our Constitution, to the extent that the implementation of these obligations comes under the legal jurisdiction of the Federal Government. To the extent that such obligations come under the legal jurisdiction of the state governments, the Federal Government shall bring such obligations with a favorable recommendation to the notice of the appropriate state authorities”
This notice, part of a reservation by the federal government that state governments may have legal jurisdiction over certain IHR obligations, is important in supporting future Attorneys General opinions that they and not the federal government have jurisdiction over their citizens’ health.
The tenth Amendment of the Bill of Rights:
“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
The Tenth Amendment Center has much more to say on this issue.
I will be organizing more of this type of information so it is easily accessible, and the issues are explained very clearly. Stay tuned!
If we get sufficient donations, we could pay a networker (+/- attorney) to work exclusively in the US to strengthen the legal arguments and encourage Congress to hold more hearings and consider legislation, while trying to encourage the AGs to issue opinions on jurisdiction (that health belongs to the states and not the feds or WHO).
Here is my US wish list for 2024:
1. Establish a temporary WHO-focused caucus of House members and Senators
2. Hold 1-2 more hearings in the House on the WHO to overcome the whitewash hearing held on December 13th
3. Get the Senate to vote (as did the House) to cut the WHO funding for 2024—a big lift
4. Revoke the 2023 International Pandemic Preparedness Act—a big lift but could be accomplished if the Senate goes Republican in the next election. An easier lift would be to remove the most egregious parts.
5. Get Congress to demand the Senate advise and consent on the IHR Amendments and the Pandemic Treaty, if they are passed by the World Health Assembly.
6. Get at least one Attorney General in a state to issue an opinion that the Biden administration cannot cede sovereignty for healthcare to the WHO because it is a state authority.
Join me. We will need volunteers to organize efforts in states whose Attorneys General might weigh in on jurisdiction. Donate if you are able. Tell everyone you know that the US must not cede sovereignty to the WHO, and tell your elected officials!