How the WHO’s rules embedded secret, undemocratic “voting” (or not) for a moment such as this

All that's missing is absentee ballots but they have absentee counting instead

When the delegates don’t want their constituents to know how they voted on a controversial matter, such as handing sovereignty of their nation over to the WHO, they can simply decide to hold a secret ballot. And the decision to hold a secret ballot may not be recorded or held by roll call. Sweet, huh?

It gets better. The ballots are moved into another room to be counted. Is that room in Arizona? Tammany Hall?

Elections are held by secret ballot. Or not. Maybe there will be no vote to elect a candidate or slate of candidates. Instead there will be horse trading.

This is how it works at the agency that wants to control your medical care, what you are allowed to see, and manage pandemic “prevention” for the world by collecting, creating and housing more deadly pathogens. They would be happy to invoke One Health to manage the entire world—if you let them.

From the WHO Constitution, page 193

Who Constitution Bd 49th En
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