Why would Parliaments in the EU and Canada vote against making the COVID vaccine contracts public?

Because a racketeering mafia already gained control of most of our nations and their politiicians?

From Lioness of Judah:

By Matthew Horwood January 19, 2024

Liberal and NDP MPs voted against a Conservative motion calling for the release of unredacted copies of the Medicago COVID-19 vaccine contracts to the public.

Tory MPs on the Standing Committee on Health (HESA) called an emergency meeting Jan. 19 to vote on a motion ordering the production of unredacted copies of the vaccine contracts between the federal government and the now-defunct COVID-19 vaccine manufacturer Medicago.

And in the European Parliament:

No release of contracts with Pfizer, Moderna and Co: A corresponding request in the EU Parliament was rejected on Wednesday. This means that the vaccination contracts remain officially secret. 

The EU Parliament continues to build a wall against Pfizer and Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. Members of Parliament in Brussels voted against publishing the contracts with Pfizer and other Covid vaccine manufacturers. This means that information with an impact worth billions is being withheld from the public – EU member states (Poland and Hungary) have even been sued by Big Pharma on the basis of these contracts.

The Davos Alliance

One might think that Parliament has placed itself at the service of corporations and not of the people. The transparency measure was rejected by a vote of 349 to 254. Although this time even the Green group largely voted for approval, the motion was defeated: an alliance of Social Democrats, the conservative EPP and the Liberals was enough (once again).

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