Peter McCullough talks about the use of Disease X for world government and profit. 2.5 minutes
Great to boil the threat we face into its essence
Great to boil the threat we face into its essence
WEF-associated Presidents and Prime Ministers are falling like dominoes, first in Ireland, now Canada, Germany, France, UK. Long gone in NZ and elsewhere.
WEF-associated Presidents and Prime Ministers are falling like dominoes, first in Ireland, now Canada, Germany, France, UK. Long gone in NZ and elsewhere.
I imagine it is no coincidence that they fail to state how many dead animals there are--if any.
I imagine it is no coincidence that they fail to state how many dead animals there are–if any.
Original URL: site: Perspectives on the WHO: From Advisory Body to World Government? The Program is Here: Great speakers. Click on the box below for all the details.
The DOD testified to Congress that this was so back in 1999
The DOD testified to Congress that this was so back in 1999
Below: my early 2020 articles that identified the Nature Medicine article as a coverup as soon as I read it. Why were all the other scientists silent? Maybe because they too fed at Fauci's trough?
Below: my early 2020 articles that identified the Nature Medicine article as a coverup as soon as I read it. Why were all the other scientists silent? Maybe because they too fed at Fauci’s trough?
All the MSM covered it, which in itself is a magic trick. Maybe his voice will get through...
All the MSM covered it, which in itself is a magic trick. Maybe his voice will get through…