Without honest elections there will never be democracy
It behooves all of us to do whatever we can to support this bill and others like it.
A Message from CEO Dr. Naomi Wolf
Dear Friends,
Phill Kline of American Voters’ Alliance, and I at DailyClout, teamed up to draft, with AVA’s lawyers, this model bill to clean up our elections. In my considered opinion, it solves most of the major issues with our current corrupted elections process. This bill, written (this was important to me) in clear and simple English that anyone can understand, takes care of ten serious flaws in our process that, in my view, have meant that since about 2005, when voting machines were introduced everywhere in the US, we really have no idea who has won any election that is digitally counted.
In this critical moment for our nation, with everything at stake, we need your help to pass this Clean Elections bill. We are NOT a nonprofit, which means that with your direct donations to DailyClout, we have the ability legally to lobby statehouses directly, an activity in which nonprofit organizations may not engage.
This gives us an incredible superpower in waging this particular fight.
But we can’t do it alone.
State Senator Tim Salazar of Wyoming and State Representative Heidi Sampson of Maine, have both already stepped up to introduce this bill to their colleagues, and we will be visiting their Statehouses to help with the presentations. If you want us to travel to 50 Statehouses to bring this bill to legislators and if you want DailyClout to launch a campaign so that everyone everywhere has and understands this bill so that we can deliver clean elections by November of 2024, please give as generously as you can to this historic, so-vital, life-and-death effort.
Dr. Naomi Wolf
CEO of DailyClout
Election Transparency, Accountability and Inclusion Act
American Voters’ Alliance / Daily Clout
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