I responded to Congressman Jared Golden’s disgraceful letter regarding the WHO.

Then received a boilerplate response right back, and then I responded again. I hope others will use this information and challenge their elected reps when they misinform us about this critical matter.

Dear Eric and Margaret,

While I appreciate you taking the time to meet with Sam May and accepting the information he provided to you,  it was an extreme disappointment to learn that you are sending out letters to constituents that are full of misinformation, if not lies, about the WHO despite what he provided.  

Presumably you received a boilerplate response to WHO queries and did not have time to verify it or read the actual draft treaty aka “pandemic agreement” and proposed amendments to the IHR.  Here is where you can read them and verify what I am telling you:

Latest draft of the pandemic treaty:  https://apps.who.int/gb/inb/pdf_files/inb7/A_INB7_3-en.pdf

Only draft of the IHR with amendments, color-coded for easier reading:  https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/WGIHR_Redlined-words-of-Proposed-Amendement-Compilation-en.pdf

First, both documents are to be binding, as stated by the WHO Director-General as well as the documents themselves.  They will no longer be guidelines, as you stated.  

Second, the obligation to obey the WHO’s orders is mentioned in several places, although the enforcement mechanisms are not specified yet, because the compliance and implementation committees will make their own rules.  For example, see IHR Article 4:

Third, the WHO is giving itself the right to order nations to pass domestic legislation to carry out WHO’s orders.  See Articles 14 and 15 of the treaty draft for several examples. Nations are required to create a domestic legal framework to allow the use of unlicensed drugs and vaccines, and furthermore remove all liability from these experimental products.

If that is not a sovereignty grab, then what is?

Fourth, the existing recommendations in Article 18 of the International Health Regulations (IHR) will become orders, since “non-binding” has been removed from the document and the word “shall” can be found 168 times in the new IHR draft, regarding what nations will be obligated to do, according to the WHO. Article 18 of the IHR would allow the WHO to mandate the use of experimental, indemnified products. Here is a screenshot of the existing Articles 18, in which recommendations will become mandates if desired by the WHO:

Transferring sovereignty for health regulations to a supranational, unelected organization is a very serious matter.  Members of Congress have an obligation to safeguard all our rights and freedoms.  

I have only scratched the surface of what these documents do, as I know you are very busy.  But I would be happy to explain how the proposed WHO documents transgress the First, Fourth, Tenth and Fourteenth amendments to the Constitution, and this is why Rep. Golden’s support and misrepresentation of efforts to undermine these must be addressed.

I’m certain that you will want to resolve this asap and I look forward to receiving your corrected constituent letter on the WHO.  I promise to share it widely in Maine’s second district and beyond.

Sincerely yours,

Meryl Nass, MD


Hi Meryl and Sam –

Unfortunately, we have our Team Golden staff retreat scheduled in Maine from February 22nd through the morning of the 26th so I will not be in D.C. That being said, if there is any additional information you would like to share I am happy to pass it along to our health care staffer for his review.



Eric Kanter

Legislative Director

Office of Congressman Jared Golden (ME-02)

1710 Longworth House Office Building | Washington, D.C. 20515

O: (202) 225-6306


Thanks for responding promptly.  

However, I just sent you information and the URLs for the proposed WHO treaty and IHR amendments which you need to read, since your office has misrepresented them to the public, and both are considered international treaties (according to the Congressional Research Service) to which the US will be bound.

While we are happy to meet with you, that was not what I asked for.  I simply asked that you correct the serious inaccuracies in the letter you are sending to constituents and I hope you will provide Rep. Golden with a corrected set of talking points.

I look forward to your response and promise to share it widely.

Meryl Nass, MD

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