As Tedros keeps lying, I have to keep correcting him.
Yet again we set the record straight
… Recently at the World Governments Summit Tedros said:
“Countries set themselves a deadline to complete the agreement in time for adoption at the World Health Assembly in May of this year. That’s now just 15 weeks away. However, there are currently two major obstacles to meeting that deadline.
The first is a group of issues on which countries have not yet reached consensus. They’re making progress, but there are still areas of difference that need further negotiation between countries.
None of them are insurmountable. If countries listen to each other’s concerns, I am confident they can find common ground and a common approach.
The second major barrier is the litany of lies and conspiracy theories about the agreement:
That it’s a power grab by the World Health Organisation;
That it will cede sovereignty to WHO;
That it will give WHO power to impose lockdowns or vaccine mandates on countries;
That it’s an ‘attack on freedom’;
That WHO will not allow people to travel;
And that WHO wants to control people’s lives.
These are some of the lies that are being spread.
If they weren’t so dangerous, these lies would be funny. But they put the health of the world’s people at risk. And that is no laughing matter.
These claims are utterly, completely, categorically false. The pandemic agreement will not give WHO any power over any state or any individual, for that matter.”
See the International Health Regulations (IHR) Article 18 for yourself. Will he have the right to restrict travel? YES. Quarantine you? YES. Require vaccinations? Yes.
What about sovereignty? The proposed amendments to the IHR have added the word “shall” over 100 times, indicating that nations “must” obey the WHO’s dictates.
They WHO also demands in its proposed treaty that nations pass laws in order to obey its requirements, and there are two very bad laws the WHO demands nations put in place.
The first law is to allow the rollout of rapidly produced and poorly tested vaccines and drugs, without these products being issued a license. They will be experimental. A license is supposed to be a guarantee that adequate testing proved the products reasonably safe and effective–the unlicensed products will have no such guarantee.
Under the rubric “Regulatory strengthening” in Article 14 of the proposed treaty the WHO is rolling out Regulatory weakening.
You cannot roll out untested and potentially life-threatening products if there is liability for the manufacturer, the government, the administering doctor, or anyone else. None of them would agree to participate, knowing they were risking bankruptcy, jail time or both.
So here’s the second law : in Article 15 the WHO has required that every nation pass laws to waive liability of these experimental products. In other words, the recipient takes all the risk, while Pharma takes all the profit, risk-free.
Still not convinced that Tedros is lying about WHO’s sovereignty grab? Physician scientist David Bell and attorney Thi Thuy Van Dinh (both also have Ph.D.’s) explain the multiple ways in which what WHO has proposed is an unprecedented attempt to seize nation state authority and rule health centrally, here:
Join us at and the to take action against this threat to our nations’ and our own autonomy.