Florida actually passed a bill last year that prohibited govt or educational entities from adopting WHO guidelines, unless otherwise allowed by law or the Governor
But this law is wishy-washy, allowing lawmakers to override its prohibition at will. Florida did it once: Let's do it again, bigger and better!
Section 3. Section 381.00321, Florida Statutes, is created
to read:
381.00321 International health organization policies.—A
governmental entity as defined in s. 381.00316 or an educational
institution as defined in s. 381.00319 may not adopt, implement,
or enforce an international health organization’s public health
policies or guidelines unless authorized to do so under state
law, rule, or executive order issued by the Governor under s.252.36
See bottom of page 13. The bill passed handily (part of a larger bill) nearly 11 months ago. Hat tip to Daniel Horowitz and Dr. Kat Lindley for finding this.