Why does the WHO demand $10 billion a year just for One Health?

Because it can.

Like I told James Corbett, keeping this “One Health” fantasy alive ain’t cheap! Look at all the organizations that need to be paid off to keep the scam going. But we are investing in humanity’s future! says the World Bank.

From the World Bank in 2022 (claiming that One Health can prevent pandemics but never explaining how that that might get accomplished):

There is a strong economic case for One Health: the cost of prevention is moderate compared to the cost of managing and responding to pandemics. The World Bank’s global estimate of prevention costs guided by One Health principles ranges from $10.3 billion to $11.5 billion per year, compared to the cost of managing pandemics which, according to the recent estimate by the G20 Joint Finance and Health Taskforce, amounts to about $30.1 billion per year. There has never been a better time to adopt One Health as an investment in humanity’s future. The World Bank will continue to engage client governments, multilateral organizations, and other stakeholders to embed a One Health approach around the world. 

Most of the following institutions have special One Health programs or departments:

Africa One Health University Network (AFROHUN, formerly OHCEA)

Auburn University One Health

Berry College Center for One Health

Cambridge University One Health Society (CUOHS)

Canada’s Global One Health Network (Global1HN)

Center for Animal and Human Health in Appalachia (CAHA), Lincoln Memorial University

Center for Applied One Health Research and Policy (OHRP), Hong Kong

Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases, U Iowa

Center for Emerging, Zoonotic and Arthropod-borne Pathogens (CEZAP), Virginia Tech U

Center for International Health, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (CIH-LMU) One Health-TARGET Project

Centre for One Health Education, Advocacy, Research and Training (COHEART)

Center for One Health Education, Research and Development (COHERD), Indian Institute of Public Health

Center for One Health Illinois, U Illinois, Urbana

Center for One Health, Fontbonne U

Center for One Health Research (COHR-Alaska), University of Alaska, Fairbanks

Center for One Health Research (COHR-Viginia Tech U)

Center for One Health Research (COHR-Washington), University of Washington

Center for One Health Research, Virginia-Maryland CVM and the Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine

Chinese Consortium for One Health (CCOH)

Chinese One Health Center for Tropical Disease Research

City University Hong Kong Center for Applied One Health Research and Policy Advice

and we are still in the “C”s. And here are just a few of the One Health nonprofits:

Your tax dollars pay for this utter fake/scam/trojan horse/emperor’s new clothes. Tell your government: Not one dime more!

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