Our new webpage to help with ACTIONS
A collection of background documents and information for local organizers, focused on issues in the United States.
Get Patrick Wood's books Technocracy Rising and Technocracy, the Hard Road to World Order to understand the world we live in
Get Patrick Wood’s books Technocracy Rising and Technocracy, the Hard Road to World Order to understand the world we live in
When do we get a real president? If they do that to Gazans, they will do it to us, too
When do we get a real president? If they do that to Gazans, they will do it to us, too
Professor Ray Lataster was unknown to me until he presented at ICS5. His useful analysis should be noted for the days these manufacturers go on trial
Professor Ray Lataster was unknown to me until he presented at ICS5. His useful analysis should be noted for the days these manufacturers go on trial
I also discussed recently implanted cultural myths that are crucial to the cabal's success
I also discussed recently implanted cultural myths that are crucial to the cabal’s success
Actually very similar to my model state resolution. WHAT a message this sends!
Actually very similar to my model state resolution. WHAT a message this sends!
One of 7 researchers who brought a $150 million grant (state funds/your taxes) to the U of Arizona
One of 7 researchers who brought a $150 million grant (state funds/your taxes) to the U of Arizona