More ACTIONS to stop the WHO’s power and sovereignty grab and retain our civil and human rights

And the Ron Johnson bill gets revived

At the Federal Level:

Ask #1:  We want a bill passed requiring the Senate to perform its Constitutional duty to advise/consent (or actually not consent) on the two treaties, and we want Members or Senators to champion this bill.   Here’s how:  get SB444 out of limbo.

Senator Ron Johnson’s 2023 bill requiring these treaties to undergo Senate scrutiny is still outstanding and it has 47 Republican cosponsors.  It was attempted as an amendment last year and lost 49-47 on a strict party-line vote but this year it might pass.

What Can the States Do?

We seek legislatures or top elected officials in the states to assert that the WHO (and perhaps the WEF, which inclusion I love) will have no jurisdiction to issue any rules, orders, etc. in the state, based on the Tenth Amendment.  State authorities have responsibility for health, not the federal government and certainly not an international organization.  The Louisiana bill makes clear that no statements or rules from international organizations can be used as a cause of action in the state, even if the order comes down from the federal government and not the WHO.

We have a model resolution (only for convenience) for legislators here.  It is almost identical to the bill the Louisiana Senate passed 37-0.  But we invite states to choose their own bill language.  Consider including the WEF but removing the UN to make the bill easier to pass, because the US has existing treaty obligations with the UN.

Some legislatures are considering bills or resolutions that limit the power of the WHO. Resolutions are weaker than bills, but much easier to get passed.  A resolution now, to stand up publicly against the WHO, is sufficient for our needs.

Basically, we need our elected officials to get educated about what is in the WHO treaty and amendments, and then they will be able to act.  The more people who contact them about this issue, the more likely it is that they will do something.

Ask #1:  Get a resolution or bill in the legislature with at least one legislator who will champion the bill/resolution and gain support for a quick passage.  We do not want bills to be filed but then languish because legislators don’t care enough about them to work to gain the needed support.

Ask #2:  Get an Attorney General to sign a letter or issue an Opinion about the WHO (and WEF?):  that it does not have any jurisdiction in the state.  The AG petition from July 2022 could provide them the bulk of the opinion. They won’t have to research the law because the AGs already did that in 2022.  Ask the AG to join with other AGs to accomplish this.  Several have been asked and fingers crossed they are working behind the scenes to accomplish this. Here is a model letter they could use if they wish.  We also have a backgrounder to go with it. The more they hear from us about the importance of this strategy the more likely they will sign on.

Ask #3:  Get a Governor to issue a statement or, even better, an Executive Order regarding the WHO’s (and WEF’s?) lack of jurisdiction in the state.


Here are several great quips to help others understand what is happening:

1.     The World Stealth Organization is misleading you about its Pandemic Treaty and amendments to its International Health Regulations.

2.     What we are facing in May is a WHO d’etat

3.     From Soft Coup to Hard Tyranny


Please represent yourself as an individual and not as a representative of any specific organization.  Door to Freedom is a 501c3 and while we can push for policies to be adopted, we are not supposed to push for specific bills to be passed since we are not registered as a lobbying organization and we are not one. We are an educational organization and we are nonpartisan. Maintaining the autonomy of our states and nations is a nonpartisan issue.

501c3 organizations may not support specific candidates for office either, although this work is unrelated to elections and the issue of the WHO being used to centralize power and control is non-partisan.

The Sovereignty Coalition is working to make the WHO become a campaign issue because we think it needs to be considered and discussed by all candidates. We want light brought to bear on the WHO’s efforts.

We anticipate that many other organizations are about to join in this effort.

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