Possible “Patient Zero” (researcher Ben Hu at the WIV) received over $40 million for bat coronavirus work from the US government

And he is still working on coronaviruses for the USG. That is beaucoup money in China. Compare it with the $44,000 he got from China's NNSF. White Coat Waste Project discovered this.

Take that Ms. Samantha Powers! Samantha has been taking elocution lessons from Tony Fauci, telling Rand Paul over and over: “My agency never paid for gain of function research.” She isn’t good at ad-libbing. She lies. She still has her job, of course.

Ben Hu got $38 million bucks from your agency, USAID, laundered through the EcoHealth Alliance, according to contract Info revealed in a FOIA lawsuit prosecuted by the White Coat Waste project. And over $6.5 million from NIAID. And wait—his NIAID contract is still active, ending 5/31/24.

Why is USAID sponsoring bat coronavirus research at the WIV? Below is its mission statement. But it looks like USAID might instead be a piggybank for the CIA? The globalist cabal? Who spends $38 million (in China, where research is cheap) to delve into rare bat viruses that never killed a single Americans when Ben got his grant in 2014? What else could it have been for besides creating new virulent bat viruses? What other reason could USAID have for laundering money through EcoHealth to study arcane bat viruses in China?

This is many many times more $ than NIAID admitted had gone to the WIV.


Now, Jon Cohen at Science magazine says that asserting that Ben Hu could have been Patient Zero is ridiculous. The only problem with that is that Jon Cohen is a USG mouthpiece who squeals on his sources and is used to beat down real leads in the COVID origins puzzle. So the fact that Jon was engaged to write this story actually gives the claim more credence, rather than less.

Now what we need are the contracts themselves and any published papers or other documents sent to USAID, EcoHealth, NIAID and other potential sources of funding to figure out what precisely Mr. Hu was expected to produce for $38 million by September 2019.

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