Instead of the Pandemic Treaty, the draft Pandemic Resolution is being floated as a way of moving past impasses
And always, the goal is to get a document that includes the most important goals implemented in great haste: 1)the biowarfare agent collection/sharing and 2)One Health
Apparently I used sloppy language when I wrote this last night.
Here is what I meant to say: It seems agreement has not been reached on “One Health” and the Pathogen Access and Benefit Sharing system (PABS), and so a resolution has been put forward to essentially say that nations remain serious about these two issues and will continue to negotiate them to come to a quick agreement, but that a method is being suggested to do so outside of the Pandemic Treaty. Please read the draft Resolution and feel free to draw your own conclusions about what is happening.
The Geneva Health Files substack has put out a post today that I think confirms what I wrote above. It is behind a paywall but you can access it for free if you download it on the substack app:
Dated April 16, we have instead of a Pandemic Agreement an 8 page Resolution that nations are to sign promising they will move forward with a pandemic agreement. You can read it all at this website. I will include the parts of most interest to me below, with my comments in brackets.
… Considering the need for an additional Main Committee of the Health Assembly to deal predominantly with health emergency-related matters, and thereby promote coherence and complementarity in the implementation of the WHO Pandemic Agreement, the International Health Regulations (2005), and other work of WHO on health emergencies; [What do coherence and complementarity mean here?]
Emphasizing the need for expeditious entry into force and effective implementation of the WHO Pandemic Agreement…
CALLS UPON all States and regional economic integration organizations entitled to do so, to consider signing, ratifying, accepting, approving, formally confirming or acceding to the Agreement at the earliest opportunity, with a view to bringing the Agreement into force as soon as possible; [Presumably the WHO, US, globalists are pressuring EU nations to back off and let the EU as a whole sign up for 27 individual nations, even though there are significant reasons to think the EU has no right to do so]…
FURTHER URGES all Member States, regional economic integration organizations, international organizations and other interested parties to support the preparatory activities referred to in this resolution, and to effectively encourage prompt entry into force and implementation of the Agreement;
(1) to establish, in accordance with Rule 41 of the Rules of Procedure of the World Health Assembly, an open-ended Intergovernmental Working Group in order to draft and negotiate an international instrument to define the modalities, terms and conditions, and operational dimensions of the WHO Pathogen Access and Benefit-Sharing System (hereinafter PABS IGWG), in accordance with Article 12 of the Agreement, with a view to adoption by the Health Assembly under Article 21 of the WHO Constitution, or under relevant provisions of the Agreement, as may be deemed appropriate; [Creating the BioHub system and becoming a library of potential biological warfare agents is central to the WHO’s “preparedness” agenda. What are they preparing for? It isn’t preventing pandemics.]
(3) to request the Director-General to convene, as early as possible and no later than 15 June 2024, a PABS preparatory committee, composed of independent experts, on terms of reference to be established in accordance with the Regulations for Expert Advisory Panels and Committees, to prepare proposals, in accordance with Article 12 of the Agreement, for the consideration of the PABS IGWG, and to further request that the PABS preparatory committee submit its report to the Director-General no later than 15 September 2024, with the Director-General communicating it without delay to the PABS IGWG;
(4) that the first meeting of the PABS IGWG shall follow the conclusion of the work of the PABS preparatory committee described in paragraph 8(3), and in any event shall be held no later than 1 October 2024, in order to elect two co-chairs, reflecting a balance of developed and developing countries, and to define and agree on its working methods and timelines, consistent with this resolution and based on the principles of inclusiveness, transparency, efficiency, Member State leadership and consensus;
(5) in order to provide that WHO Pathogen Access and Benefit-Sharing System is operational no later than 31 May 2026, that the PABS IGWG shall submit its outcome for consideration by the Seventy-eighth World Health Assembly, or to the Conference of the Parties, as appropriate to the legal nature of the proposed international instrument deemed appropriate by the PABS IGWG;
(1) to establish, in accordance with Rule 41 of the Rules of Procedure of the World Health Assembly, an open-ended Intergovernmental Working Group in order draft and negotiate an international instrument/s to define the modalities, terms and conditions, and operational dimensions of a One Health approach (hereinafter OH IGWG), in accordance with Articles 4 and 5 of the Agreement, with a view to adoption under relevant provisions of the WHO Constitution or the Agreement; … [I told you, the One Health concept is the critical underpinning of the plan to centralize global control—and apparently the globalists will need a new treaty (aka “international instrument” to implement it. I think this is good news—it appears they could not reach agreement on One Health as a part of the Pandemic Treaty after all.]
(3) to request the Director-General to convene, as early as possible and no later than 15 June 2024, a One Health preparatory committee, composed of independent experts, on terms of reference to be established in accordance with the Regulations for Expert Advisory Panels and Committees, to prepare proposals, in accordance with Articles 4 and 5 of the Agreement, for the consideration of the OH IGWG, and to further request that the One Health preparatory committee submit its report to the Director-General no later than 15 September 2024, with the Director-General communicating it without delay to the OH IGWG;