Is the US planning a “May Surprise” regarding the WHO treaty and IHR amendments?
Just a thought
The USA does not like to cede power. When it signed the WHO Treaty and the IHR in 2005 it added reservations (what I call loopholes or wiggle-room) that in one case acknowledged that sometimes the US states had authority and the US federal government would not agree to complying with the WHO if the states had jurisdiction.
So it should come as no surprise that the USA has refused to join an enormous number of treaties, even some that really make you scratch your head.
And then you start to wonder: even though the US initiated the IHR amendment process and pushed hard for the pandemic treaty, did it possibly always think it might bail out, or offer a substantive reservation, when the deal was about to be sealed? Did it want to lay the noose around everyone’s neck, but duck out at the last minute? The US did that after tedious international negotiations to create an inspection regime for the Biological Weapons Convention about 25 years ago. The US scotched the deal for everyone at the 11th hour.
Check out this Wikipedia list of treaties the US has backed out of, failed to ratify, or failed to sign. Remember that the 1925 Geneva Convention on the use of chemical and biological warfare took until 1975 to be ratified, and was only ratified when President Nixon initiated a companion treaty that demanded it. The US used chem and bio weapons in the interim, on Vietnam and probably other places.
Why wouldn’t we sign a treaty against land mines, for goodness’ sakes?