CHD Roundtable this Thursday evening on the WHO: Mission Critical for Humanity

Join Senator Ron Johnson, ET's Jan Jekielek, CHD President Mary Holland, Dr. David Bell and me to learn the latest and what we can do

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The World Health Organization is ushering in an unprecedented global takeover of public health under the guise of “pandemic preparedness.”

The WHO member states will convene from May 27 to June 1 at the World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland, to vote on two proposals — the “WHO Pandemic Agreement” and amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) — that would give the WHO sweeping new pandemic powers.

The Biden administration supports and is expected to commit the United States to the two WHO proposals, but opposition is growing at the state level.

What does this mean for citizens of the world?

The proposed WHO Pandemic Agreement and IHR amendments gravely threaten our rights and freedoms as they stand to:

  • Change IHR recommendations from “non-binding” to legally binding, meaning all member countries must comply.

  • Create requirements for health documents that could be used to restrict access and travel as the WHO sees fit.

  • Require surveillance of online information and censorship of information deemed “misinformation.”

  • Coerce extreme lockdown measures, including creating “quarantine of suspect travelers, preferably in facilities away from the point of entry,” aka “quarantine camps” seen during the COVID-19 pandemic in China and elsewhere.

  • Allow the WHO to declare an emergency at will.

  • Require member nations to use certain “relevant health products” like vaccines, drugs etc., while others are prohibited during emergencies.

Join us for a virtual Roundtable discussion with renowned experts to discuss the WHO’s attempt to seize health freedom from us and what we can do about it.

RSVP at link above to join the virtual roundtable.

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