Valerie Borek of Stand for Health Freedom has an excellent, comprehensive slide presentation on the Treaty and IHR amendments
30 minutes
WHO Update 5/13/24
It’s now less than two weeks before the scheduled votes on the World Health Organization’s (WHO) pandemic treaty and the proposed changes to the International Health Regulations (IHR).
What’s going on and where do these votes stand?
Stand for Health Freedom’s Lead Policy Analyst and Associate Director Valerie Borek breaks it all down in a new WHO video update.
In the video you will learn:
The status and legality of the WHO treaty and IHR votes.
How we got here.
What’s in the ever-shifting documents.
What states are doing about it.
How state AGs and U.S. senators are stepping up for health freedom.
Take time right now to arm yourself with information. We don’t know what will happen with these critical votes. Learn all you can so you can educate your friends and your lawmakers. The votes on this treaty and the IHR won’t be the end of an attempt at a global health security state; they mark just the beginning.