Louisiana’s bill passed the Senate 37-0, then passed the House 69-22, then went to the Senate again to speed up its entry into force, and passed 37-0 again.

Oklahoma's House easily passed a nearly identical bill, but it got stalled by Republicans--Republicans!!!--in the Oklahoma Senate

Why are Republican Senators holding up a law that would protect Oklahomans from the grip of the WHO, when both Oklahoma’s Attorney General and Oklahoma’s Governor have said NO to the WHO?

It’s wonderful that the A-G and Governor have issued opinions against the WHO, but only a LAW will protect Oklahomans once these public servants are no longer in office.

Are these Senators, blocking such a popular law, paid off by big Pharma?

See what a wonderful, extremely diligent Oklahoma activist has to say about the matter.

Intentional w/Mic Meow
An Intentional Opinion
I never would have believed two years ago that a group of concerned citizens with various backgrounds would unite behind a common goal: protect the sovereignty and medical rights of Oklahomans from the overreach of international organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the United Nations (UN…
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