Sovereignty Coalition Summit with government officials from around the world at 10 am ET today



For Immediate Release
May 20, 2024

Matthew Franklin,


World Leaders to Say “Not Now” to Improper Approval of “Global Governance” Treaties

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Sovereignty Coalition is pleased to announce its convening of “The Sovereignty Summit” to demonstrate the growing international opposition to the impending, stealthy effort to supplant national sovereignty with tyrannical “global governance.” On Thursday, May 23rd, the Coalition, with the indispensable help and participation of U.S. Senator Ron Johnson, will bring together leading American and foreign legislators determined to prevent the approval at next week’s meeting of the World Health Assembly (WHA) of either, or both, of what amount to two as-yet-unfinished treaties that would make the World Health Organization’s Director General a global dictator for public health.

The Summit will provide a platform for elevating grave concerns about the contents of the accord amending the WHO International Health Regulations (IHR) and the so-called Pandemic Agreement. It will also address as  the WHO’s failure to conform to the IHR’s own Article 55(2), requiring that such amendments must be submitted at least four months in advance of the meeting at which they are to be considered. That deadline passed on January 27th. Worse yet, it is unclear whether the texts of either of the IHR amendments or the Pandemic treaty which is predicated upon them will be available for virtually any prior review.

Accordingly, participants in the Summit will be endorsing a theme of “Not Now” – the proposition that these treaties are not ready for prime-time and must not be considered, let alone approved, during this WHA meeting. The participating parliamentarians from around the world will insist on full transparency with regard to the various obligations, restrictions and commitments entailed in both accords and opportunities to have informed national debates and deliberations before any become binding on their peoples.

Sovereignty Coalition co-founder Frank Gaffney said, “Unbeknownst to practically anyone in this country and most others around the world, the Biden administration – in collusion with the Chinese Communist Party, the World Economic Forum, the European Union, Bill Gates and Big Pharma – is intent on getting the United States and others bound to the supremacy of the unaccountable leader of the WHO on any matter he deems to involve ‘public health.’ The Sovereignty Summit will make clear that is completely unacceptable.”

Reggie Littlejohn, Esq., also a co-founder of the Coalition, added, “Provisions in the current drafts of both treaties are cause for great concern.  If passed, they could be used to create an international biotech surveillance police state, and may greatly increase the incidence of pandemics through the sharing of deadly pathogens.  The public and even legislators and parliamentarians worldwide are unaware of the dangers to national sovereignty and personal medical freedom contained in these draft treaties.  Meanwhile, no mechanism exists by which to hold the WHO accountable.  In rushing these treaties through, the WHO is breaking its own rules.  The vote on these instruments must be delayed so that civil society will have time to analyze these instruments and their impact.”

What:  An international “Sovereignty Summit”

Who: Leading U.S. and foreign legislators participating both in-person and remotely and representing the sovereignty and popular sentiment of their nations with regards to efforts to submit them to “global governance” and supranational medical tyranny

When: 10:00 a.m. – 12 p.m., Thursday, May 23rd

Where: U.S. Capitol Visitors Center


To interview representatives of the Sovereignty Coalition, contact Matthew Franklin at

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