Some good news: the Treaty negotiations failed to reach agreement and are done. WHO bureaucracy will still try to move something forward next week but the worst should be gone.


Vis a vis my earlier post today on how the WHO’s advice during COVID led to a seriies of disasters, Tedros is still whistling the same old tune today despite the facts:

“Where there is a will there is a way, so I am still positive, despite the outcome.  There may be hiccups, but I don’t call it failure,” Tedros said. “You have really progressed a lot and done a lot.”

He urged people to remember the harsh impacts of the pandemic and the need to prevent the recurrence of the same scenario again – although memories of that period now seem to be fading.

“I don’t know if there was anyone who has not been affected by COVID,” he said. “Not only losing loved ones, but economic problems, loss of jobs, you name it. This impact was because the world was unprepared, and by the way, it still is.”

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