Neither the Pandemic Agreement nor the IHR amendment process was able to produce a final document yesterday
What happens next? My guess is that the WHO will attempt to create new, carefully handpicked committees and claim they will move forward. We shall see. For the globalists, a lot is riding on this.
“After arm-twisting, horse-trading and 3:00 am finishes as the talks ramped up, Matsoso said 17 pages out of 32 had been fully agreed by countries.”’
“…The main disputes revolved around access to pathogens detected within countries, and to pandemic-fighting products such as vaccines derived from that knowledge.
Other tricky topics were sustainable financing, pathogen surveillance, supply chains, and the equitable distribution of tests, treatments and jabs but also the means to produce them.”
“… Parallel talks took place on revising the International Health Regulations, which were first adopted in 1969 and last updated in 2005.
The IHR talks outcome will also be presented at next week’s assembly.
The regulations provide a legal framework defining countries’ rights and obligations in handling public health events and emergencies that could cross borders.”