Defense Department IG tells Congress in mandated report that DOD did not support any GOF research from 2014-2023
That is also what they said in 1991, when I revealed they were not being truthful
I published the paper below to reveal what the DOD was doing offensively (and hiding) in the 1980s (illegally imho) and below that is what the DOD claims they are not doing now. Link to full text and abstract below.
Here is what the DOD IG said this week:
“…we determined that DoD officials viewed the enhancement of pathogens of pandemic potential as offensive biological work that does not align with the mission and authorities of the DoD. Army research officials clarified that President Nixon’s public papers and international agreements prohibited research by the DoD for offensive purposes.”
And so the DOD and its Inspector General are so certain of this that they provided a map of all possible GOF research projects so we can scrutinize them for ourselves.
Oops. They all got redacted. And btw we are redefining GOF.
But just in case you, Congress, later find out we were wrong and DOD was sponsoring GOF research, it wasn’t our fault:
10 │ DODIG-2024-099
(U) Because the population included thousands of awards, we were unable to review every award within the 180-day time constraint imposed on this statutory requirement. As a result, we performed key word searches. Specifically, we filtered the recipient country code by “China” and identified three entries awarded by the DoD; however, none of the awards contained descriptions for research activities.