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Bobby and the Bird Flu possibilities


Is a Bird Flu pandemic “inevitable”?

24 different pharmaceutical companies are racing to develop a bird flu vaccine—for cows! How many more are working on a bird flu vaccine for humans?

Moderna’s stock price has gone up 40% since bird flu moved into cows. The company is worth over $20 billion dollars more than it was 3 months ago. The market knows that our government plans to use mRNA vaccines for emerging infections, regardless of whether the public wants them.

They are already testing mRNA bird flu vaccines in cows.

Let’s go back a dozen years.

Fauci’s NIAID paid scientists around the world to do gain-of-function experiments on bird flu to make it transmissible to humans. Hundreds of other scientists were so worried about this bioengineered bird flu escaping that they got a moratorium placed on all gain-of-function experiments on bird flu and SARS, back in 2014.

What did Fauci do? We know he ignored the moratorium for SARS. Did he ignore it for bird flu also? Then he lifted the moratorium in 2017.

Fauci’ NIAID has collected $690 million dollars in royalties for vaccines for SARS-2, and an additional $400 million in a legal settlement from Moderna. That is over a billion dollars.

But of course that is chicken feed compared to what the government will spend on vaccines for SARS, or bird flu.

With so much money on the table, is it conceivable that someone might deliberately release a bioengineered bird flu? When this kind of gain-of-function research is going on, accidental or deliberate leaks are inevitable. Maybe that’s why former CDC Director Robert Redfield said that a bird flu pandemic is “not a matter of if, but when.” Does he know something we do not?

We need to stop playing with fire. My administration will shut down the gain-of-function labs on Day 1, while we figure out what they are doing. We will end these lab-grown plagues for good.


CNN told RFK Jr. that in order to qualify for the debate stage, he would need to provide 4 national polls showing he had at least 15% support. He provided them, but CNN refused to accept the polls from Monmouth University and Quinnippiac University.

CNN demanded Kennedy be on the ballot in enough states to win at least 270 electoral votes. Kennedy’s campaign has provided the signatures to do so, but about a dozen states have stalled the process, so he is not yet on the ballot in states with at least 270 electoral votes. Biden and Trump are not on the ballot in any states, since neither of their parties has held its convention yet.

That didn’t matter to CNN. They get to debate. Would you say the system is rigged?

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