Where is Door to Freedom headed?

The answer: Our goal has not changed. It is to defeat the Great Reset. Our approach is to broaden our efforts.

I’m really tired, but I am very excited about where we are going and I think you will be too, so here is a taste of what is planned.

My personal drive has always been to expose lies, especially those that hurt large numbers of people, and explain what is true and how to avoid being hurt. Pharma corruption and government malfeasance occupied much of my research and writing.

But now, COVID brought into focus a lot bigger problem: the effort by a small group of elites to increase their power, wealth and control through strip-mining our rights and freedoms, bulldozing our preferences (for meat and dairy, for example), pricing us out of the market for good homes and food, weakening us by plying harmful drugs and vaccines (preferably mandated) as well as selling us tainted and non-nutritive foods. Not to mention threatening us with pandemics and nuclear war, and overspending to impose a future controlled demolition of the economy.

The elites’ primary strategy to win our hearts and minds—because they couldn’t overcome 8 billion people otherwise—has been to create a massive new ideology with many tentacles, built on an enormous amalgamation of Big Lies and small lies. And the general plan was concocted over 50 years ago.

We at Door to Freedom and this substack will take on one lie after another and provide you with the documents and evidence to discern what is true. We will be posting the best, factual material on climate, the WHO, the UN, the Pact for the Future, Digitalization, Pandemics, etc.

We are particularly interested in the war on food and agriculture, currently made obvious by the pronouncements of doom over bird flu. The powers-that-be want less food produced, and they want it to cost more, and they want to control what we can access. Even though insect meal costs considerably more than meat pound for pound, they want us to transition to it as an act of self-sacrifice to “save the planet.” The idea of sacrificing for the good of nature is a repetitive theme the globalists use to condition us to accept their plans. Pandemics also provide the reason to roll out untested and potentially dangerous vaccines.

Door to Freedom (in its infancy) produced a 7 hour symposium on the Attack on Food on March 4, 2023, in order to help educate the public about what was happening. CHD and Epoch Times streamed it. There is a lot of great material there from our 17 speakers. It remains up on our site and others.

We will be producing another, updated symposium on September 7 on the ongoing attack on food and agriculture, and I hope you will watch and recommend it. There are many partners in this endeavor.

Our tactic is the same as it was for the past year: show the public what the elites are really planning. If people understood what their plans are for the food system, for example, no one would go along.

This is just like what happened at the WHO. As long as the elites and their henchmen push out false claims about what they are doing and why, few people go read the primary documents (which are usually hard to find) and learn that actually, that is NOT what they are doing, and even if it were, it would not solve the problems they claim to be solving.

Glad you are along for the ride. It may be bumpy, but it’s time to clean out the stables, and wash away the mess. Let’s do it.

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