Building the bird flu narrative in cows at the state and local level

FDA and USDA are not allowed to go onto farms and start testing healthy cows, so they have developed "guidance" documents and nearly a billion dollars is offered to allow them to start the process

Don’t forget our Fauci and BMGF-paid friends Yoshihiro Kawaoka (U Wisconsin) and Ron Fouchier (Erasmus U) who taught bird flu to jump between ferrets (the chosen model for humans) through the air in 2011, and God knows what they have taught bird flu viruses since, on the US taxpayers’ dime. Ron was on the Feb. 1, 2020 coverup call with Fauci, Farrar and Francis Collins (so many F’s) and he wrote the summary which revealed they already knew of COVID’s lab origin then. Ron provided 6 cover stories for 6 lab-made mutations that had been identified in his summary of the call, to help out the others with their talking points. Showing great loyalty to his funders, and zero loyalty to the human race.

Almost no one is afraid of COVID any more, and while COVID was able to reduce food production by sending people home from the farms where they worked in March 2020, and the lockdowns imposed in the name of COVID nearly doubled the number of people in dire poverty, it appears that it is now time for the double whammy: a human pandemic that seriously interferes with access to food: eggs, chickens, turkeys, ducks, beef, milk, cheese, cream, yogurt.

It’s a bird, it’s a cow, no, it’s a human flu! Coming Soon! (For those elders like me who watched Superman on TV as a child, which opened with: “It’s a bird, it’s a plane, no, it’s Superman!”)

The last paragraph above, “The FDA wants to collaborate” is code for “we are not allowed to barge in to test healthy cows so we are begging and probably paying state agencies to do the deed for us.” “Furthermore, we (FDA) have been on a rampage against raw milk for decades and use every excuse we can to try and outlaw it, though about 14 states allow the sale of raw milk. Bird flu is our best shot in decades to finally get rid of raw milk and we will be ratcheting up the fear and trying to find as many affected cows as we possibly can.”

So FDA and USDA conspired with state agricultural agencies to do the dirty deeds. Below is the letter sent out by FDA to states and the letter sent out by Massachusetts to farms. Note both were sent the same day, indicating this was planned ahead of time. Note that FDA wraps itself in the SCIENCE.

Here’s the important part. For three months FDA/USDA have been desperate to find live bird flu virus in raw or pasteurized milk, but there has been none. They have not found one sick person who got bird flu from any milk.

HPAI (high pathogenicity avian influenza) is the old name but now the mutated virus is LOW pathogenicity but the agencies retained the old name. Why would you do that?

The FDA uses the term HPAI or high pathogenicity avian influenza 20 times (TWENTY) in its one and a half page letter. Get it?

In order to get in and test asymptomatic cows, USDA put nearly a $billion bucks on the table. I bet that got the states moving fast. Like, within a week.

  • Remember, no one has gotten sick from any milk.

  • PCR tests of many milk samples are positive but no live virus grows. No milk has contained live virus, just questionable PCR fragments that might have come from bird flu.

  • Neither FDA nor USDA will tell us the proportion of sick vs well chickens and cows that test positive with PCR.

  • Only government labs can confirm the PCR results—you cannot use any commercial test that might show your animals are uninfected.

So, biosecurity is key. What is farm biosecurity? PPE for farmworkers? Is the plan to treat this like foot and mouth disease in England, which culled huge number of animals during a Neal Ferguson-related episode in 2001 at a cost of 8 billion pounds (over $10 Billion dollars) paid for by the UK taxpayer.

How was it (Foot and Mouth) stopped?

The primary control measure of the disease in 2001 was the widespread culling of animals. Teams of health officials implemented the immediate culling of any animals showing the disease. This included high risk healthy animals in the local area. While this did eventually get the disease under control, the costs were enormous. In total, around 6.5 million animals were culled. While farmers received compensation, the mental and emotional effects were far-reaching and vast.5

The UK government implemented a complete ban on movement of any livestock animals. People had to stick to very strict biosecurity measures when entering or leaving any agricultural premises. Many farming communities were put under tight movement bans. Social events were completely cancelled over fear of spreading the disease. Parks where there were deer were closed to visitors and trade of animals out of the UK was stopped.

The Massachusetts letter states (MA Ag) will work with the farmer “to develop a farm plan.” We want to “ensure consumer confidence” —the same confidence we are doing our best to erode right now. And if they find something, what will they do?

Have a look at what the UK did for foot and mouth disease in 2001, which had the salutory effect of getting the biosecurity agenda off the ground in Europe.

All livestock at the three geographically separate locations were destroyed on 4 August. A nationwide ban on the movement of cattle and pigs was imposed, with a 3 km (1.9 mi) protection zone in place around the affected farm and a further 10 km (6.2 mi) zone of cattle surveillance.[10] An 8 km (5.0 mi) aerial exclusion zone was set up around the site.[35]

As required by European Union regulations, all exports of animal and meat products of species affected by the outbreak were halted from the United Kingdom.[36]. [Cattle, pigs and sheep—Nass]

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