The attack on cows, and it’s so bucolic where I live. The America we wish we always lived in.
I went to grab some pizza and read the weekly newspaper at the pizzeria and had to share
For starters, they say Maine has the lowest crime rate in the US. So what can the newspaper write about? There was a crime, and an escape: see the two top headlines.
And why does the City Council need security? The police had been located in the same building as the Town Hall, but moved out recently. There was a recent argument in the Council chambers, and a city employee pushed the “panic button”—which no longer rang in the police department, so it took 15 minutes for police to arrive and by then the argument was over. Plus, citizens have at times been found wandering around the building. Everyone else has security, so maybe we need some too. Ya never know.
Oh, and it was the 85th birthday of a bridge, so they closed it off for a few hours so people could celebrate the birthday with the bridge by walking across.
You think there is no attack on food, especially meat? This story was on the lower half of the page, and revealed that the cattle inventory in the US is at its lowest since 1951. When the US population was 150 million. It is 340-350 million now. The price of beef is very high, and yet there are few relatively few cattle being raised. Could it be a deliberately ornery regulatory milieu? Telling people meat is bad for you, which it probably is when juiced with so many chemicals? Or are we poorer than in 1951?
And now electronic ID ear tags will be required starting in November… another expense, and a test of when the ranchers start to say NO.