Raw Milk ‘containing bird flu’ has made nobody sick, to the dismay of our federal agencies
Who are spending hundreds of millions (so far) on unnecessary vaccines for the exaggerated bird flu plague.
DOVER, Del. — The mood in the Delaware General Assembly chamber was jovial on June 26 as lawmakers considered legislation to legalize the sale of raw milk. There were udder puns and moo sounds. A Democratic member took the floor to ask whether the Ol’ Dirty Bastard lyrics “Ooh, baby, I like it raw” were written about the bill. And there was a standing ovation when, after eight minutes of debate, it passed 39-2.
As of today, there are an identified 142 herds in 12 states affected by bird flu.
A whistleblower contacted the General Accounting Office (Congress’ investigative arm) on July 6, 2024 to report that a California cattleman had had 6 infected cows. Their milk had been drunk by the family and was sold to countless California families before the cows were diagnoses. There have been NO reports that anyone got sick. The situation was reported to the FDA on June 16. No investigation was done. FDA was contacted again on July 3, 2024 with concern that there had been no followup.
How is it that FDA continues to warn the public about drinking raw milk, yet when there was an episode of infected raw milk being sold to consumers, FDA chose to ignore it?