I will be giving an updated presentation on bird flu this Friday at 6:30 pm for IPAK

It is free but requires preregistration, and you will have the chance to ask questions. Limit 300 attendees.

Twisting Strands
Special Session : Meryl Nass – 7/12
Heads up: Regular Webinar subscribers will also need to register for this special session…
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IPAK-EDU Director’s Science Webinar

FRIDAY 7/12 @ 6:30pm Eastern
with/ Meryl Nass

“Bird Flu : COVID Redux?”

“Bird flu has been deliberately built up over 20 years as an extremely dangerous threat to humans. It was once a threat, but only to a few chicken farmers. Currently it is no threat at all, and if we were not seeking it out so vigorously, we would probably not even know about it…Once upon a time, this virus did kill a small number of people, but less than 500 people worldwide, cumulatively, over more than 20 years. It has never spread person-to-person.”

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