Trump shot. Secret Service not only allowed 1 or 2 people to get within range on a roof, but ignored warnings
Speaker Mike Johnson to investigate with a hearing
Impossible for Secret Service to have missed the shooter. See this video.
And this is one of two separate witnesses claiming police (or secret service) were aware of the shooter(s).
Of course, the shooter (or possibly two) is/are dead.
Possibly Trump struck twice. Ears bleed a lot but if that is all that was hit Trump is a very lucky man. US major media (NYT, AP, WaPo) providing very little information, basically reporting on fluff. No exploration of who the shooter(s) is, what the SS response was. Where is the reporting from the hospital on Trump’s condition? The media’s lack of curiosity says a lot.
I recall hearing Col. Fletcher Prouty discuss the attempted assassination of Pres Reagan. The car carrying him to the hospital took the long way there, and then those accompanying him did not initially tell doctors that he was shot in the lung. These events are carefully planned. How is Trump doing?
Praying that all those struck today, apart from one person near Trump who died at the scene, will be okay. Praying that this is the start of draining the swamp for real.