Latest data on bird flu from CDC and WHO
USA: Total cases ever diagnosed: 14
USA cases hospitalized for bird flu: 0
USA cases who died from bird flu: 0
The WHO last updated its list of cases and deaths on May 3, 2024 and these are the entirety of the world’s known H5N1 bird flu cases and deaths since 2003:
889 cases and 463 deaths.
Please note that according to the WHO there have only been 8 reported deaths and 28 cases since 2020. If we add to that number the 12 human US cases diagnosed since May 3, there have been 40 cases in the entire world, in humans, since the start of 2020.
In case you want to make some bird flu vaccines, there are dozens of candidate vaccine viruses already prepared for you to choose from. The WHO is no slouch when it comes to vaccines.
While the Secretary of DHHS gets to declare public health emergencies or potential emergencies in the US, and just did declare one for bird flu, it is the WHO Director-General who gets to declare them for the world.
But who whispers in the WHO Director-General’s ear with the instructions? That would be Jeremy Farrar, the WHO’s Chief Scientist. His credentials:
co-discovered bird flu H5N1 in Vietnam in 2003 or 2004
has been issuing alarmist screeds about the looming bird flu apocalypse for 20 years
managed the coverup of COVID origins for Fauci and Friends
Supervised and funded the 2 largest trials of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) for COVID treatment for WHO (Solidarity trial) and the UK (Recovery trial) which gave hospitalized patients massive doses of HCQ and in which nearly 500 subjects who were given the overdoses died. (He was both head of Wellcome Trust and the top guy managing all the WHO’s treatment trials.)
having worked as a physician in Vietnam for many years, Farrar surely knew the proper dose of HCQ, which is used there for prevention and treatment of malaria
partnered with Bill Gates to found CEPI, the “charity” that has taken in many billions of our tax dollars to create vaccines in 100 days for future pandemics, using the “mock-up vaccine” method to get around pharmaceutical regulations
co-chaired the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board
member of UK SAGE that managed the lockdowns and pandemic response in the UK
How long will it take before the WHO tag team of Farrar and Tedros roll out the next plandemic?