Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Platform for Health Freedom as President of the United States

Great list. It will prevent future vaccine disasters, by taking away the liability shield

Sent to me by my friend Michael Kane—Meryl

Here is what Kennedy will do for Health Freedom once he is in the Whitehouse:

 All vaccines must be subject to pre-license placebo-controlled studies, just as other pharmaceutical products are.

 End financial conflicts of interest that plague the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), National Institute of Health (NIH), and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) via executive orders.

 Make it illegal for any government agency to financially benefit from any pharmaceutical product regulated or licensed by the government.

 Sign and implement a treaty banning all gain-of-function research globally.

 Direct the NIH and Federal Communication Commission (FCC) to end the practice of allowing pharmaceutical companies to advertise their products to the public.

 Work with Congress to restore Americans’ Seventh Amendment rights to sue in court and complete the liability shield given to pharmaceutical companies by the 1986 Vaccine Injury Compensation Act.

 Support prosecution against major medical journals for racketeering with pharmaceutical companies unless they agree to end their fraudulent publication practices (such as retracting valid science, publishing false information, and acting on behalf of pharmaceutical company interests).

 Terminate grants to infectious disease specialists and virologists, then redirect those funds to identify the sources of chronic disease epidemics.

 Open up NIH databases to produce highly accurate peer-reviewed studies almost instantaneously to benefit the health of all Americans.

 Ban any scientist currently on the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) or Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) that has allowed medications and vaccines to get to the American public in an unsafe manner and end access to NIH funding for these scientists for at least 8 years as punishment for the harm they have done to the public.

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